Sport!OP! (Opportunities for the inclusion of vulnerable youth through sport) is a project within the European Union Erasmus+ program which is being implemented in 6 different regions: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Spain and Sweden.
This project aims to improve the well-being of vulnerable youngsters by building resilience and developing social and life skills. This is achieved by formulating local strategies to use participation in sport as a vehicle for social inclusion.
NGO Marathon Sarajevo in cooperation with SOS Children Village in Sarajevo and Athletic Club Novi Grad works on social inclusion of children at risk using athletics as a tool to promote and develop children’s personal esteem, self-confidence, teamwork, politeness, social and physical skills, to be socially accepted, involved and understood in the local community.
Dealing with humanitarian issues in the local community is something that NGO Marathon does by its instance and have been doing throughout the years now.
Within this project we are able to improve lives of kids at risk by doing what we best do – sports.
Children are honest little human beings who are about to be empowered growing into the self-confident, skillful, and moral adults, and this project is all about giving equal opportunities to every child to achieve so.
We are sincerely proud to be part of this international project and only non-EU country in it. And we strive to get its best out it in the local community.
Sport Op will continue to deliver positive values to the community and to include youth in sport, all that adapted to the current state of the pandemics.
Together with colleagues from the Run&More Community - we took part in the final event of the Sport!Op! Project, and together with all partner org...
At the Transnational meeting of the Sport! Op! project, NGO “Marathon” Sarajevo will host its international partners from 5 European count...
Race: 5 K Runway Night Run 2021. Place of the event: International Airport Sarajevo Runway Date of the event: wednesday, 18.8.2021. Mandatory time...
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