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Sport as a driver of positive social change

Sport as a driver of positive social change

Together with colleagues from the Run&More Community - we took part in the final event of the Sport!Op! Project, and together with all partner organizations presented our activities and achieved goals. The meeting was held in Spain, and the host of the meeting was the municipality of Granollers.

Sport!Op! (Opportunities for the inclusion of vulnerable youth through sport) is an international project financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program. The goal of the project is to improve the psycho-social status of marginalized youth groups by developing and improving their social and life skills through local strategies that use sport as a basic driver and means of social inclusion. The project itself is implemented in 6 countries: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Spain and Sweden with activities specific to each partner organization.

In cooperation with our partners, SOS Children's Village BiH and Athletic Club Novi Grad, we worked to improve the social inclusion of children without parental care using athletics as a tool to promote and develop their self-confidence, teamwork, social and physical skills, in order to enable them to participate in social activities of the local community in an equal and dignified manner.

We have been organizing sports events since 2007, but we have never seen sport as an exclusively a hobby activity, but we have always looked for added value, be it the development of psychophysical health of individuals and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, or the promotion of positive social values of socially responsible campaigns. Accordingly, participating in this project was a completely logical step, and the results of our activities, as well as the comments of participants from the SOS Village and other partners, tell us that we are moving in the right direction!

The satisfaction of the residents of SOS Children's Village Sarajevo is best described by the fact that several residents continued to practice athletics, with the help and support of the Novi Grad athletics club, which enabled them to participate in their regular training sessions free of charge.

Over 60 residents participated in the athletics workout sessions which we organized as part of the project activities for children of the SOS Children's Village Sarajevo, and a large number of them also took part in our ΕΎ "Argeta Junior School Run" and "Red Apple Market Bambini Marathon" races. This shows that the interest really exists and that with continued support the number of young people who will enrich their lives with athletics would certainly continue to grow.

In addition to the trainings and lectures that were held through the project, the final product of the project is also a Methodical Manual, which was written with the contribution and coordination of all partner organizations, and which will be used in the future as instructions for all organizations and individuals who want to use sport as a tool for improvement. inclusion of young people from vulnerable social groups in sports activities of the wider social community.

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