We would like to inform you that due to the epidemiological situation and the recommendations of the authorities, we have moved the date of the Vienna Run4Lifestyle 10K Night Run and 5K Team Run. The new date for the races is July 9, 2021.
As you already know, one of the basic principles of the Association is the promotion of health and healthy living habits, and the provision of safe conditions for the promotion and development of sports. Accordingly, the Association considers that acting in this way is their moral and socially responsible obligation.
Applications for these races are still open, and for more details and information follow our website, social networks or write to us at info@sarajevomarathon.ba.
We thank you for your understanding, and we sincerely hope that the coming months will bring a peaceful and stable epidemiological situation that will enable the safe organization of all planned events. Until then, our engagement will continue to work on improving physical fitness and mental health, in full compliance with prescribed epidemiological measures.
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